The Orange County Coalition of Police and Sheriffs (OC Cops) was formed in July 2002, by several key law enforcement associations in Orange County. Their goal was to create “the” premiere coalition of law enforcement agencies/associations in Orange County to speak with a clear, decisive and definitive voice for public safety, law enforcement, the profession and rank-and-file who protect and serve the public.
OC Cops supports the promotion of a positive image and interests of its law enforcement members. OC Cops formed a political action committee and an independent expenditure committee so that its members could have a stronger unified and collective voice in support of candidates and to be involved with the important issues that confront law enforcement every day. One of the Coalition’s key objectives is conducting a careful and objective non-partisan evaluation process, which allows OC Cops to make recommendations and support qualified candidates for state, county and local office (endorsements only for Federal elections).
OC Cops has successfully helped support and elect/re-elect candidates for public office who are sensitive to law enforcement’s philosophy, needs and who have demonstrated an understanding of the many difficulties and dangers inherent in the lifetime career and profession of public safety. OC Cops stands proudly as the collective voice of virtually all of the law enforcement agencies in Orange County and endeavors to promote, protect and defend the interests of law enforcement and the public through the political process.